Parent Resources
Joining PTO
The PTO assists with field trips and supporting our special events such as the Christmas program, fund-raisers, special guest performances, book fair, and our school picnic. Upon registration, parents can sign-up to be a volunteer. As volunteers are needed throughout the year, parents can sign-up for individual events at their convenience.
How do track my student's progress?
Students progress reports can be viewed in MRX. Click here to go to MRX.
Each class uses Remind for efficient parent-teacher communication. Get quick updates on what your student is working on in class, notified about upcoming school events, and even receive photos of your student actively engaged in work. We also encourage parents to use Remind to notify teachers of absences and early pick-ups.
Click here to get started with the desktop version or choose your download platform below!
Download the Remind app or on your web browser visit remind.com​​ to create a parent account. Enter your information. Enter the class code for your child's teacher. If you have more than one student, you can join multiple classes. All parents should join the MCMA Whole School Communication group. ​
MCMA Whole School Communication: 9h8fb8
Ms. Ana's Class - Early Childhood: manascl
Ms. Kelly's Class - Early Childhood: a4c267d
Ms. Heather's Class - Lower Elementary: 9ed73h
Ms. Marilu's Class - Upper Elementary: mcmau
We are using a computer program in the classroom called Freckle. With Freckle, your child has been able to practice Math, ELA, Social Studies, and Science at his or her own ability level. If your student is absent, we encourage parents to allow time for additional out of class learning.
Access the program online here using Google Chrome as your browser and select Student Sign-in at the top of the page.
Access the program on an iPad with the free app. Download link below.
Your child will login using their first and last name as well as our class code.
Once they have logged in, it is important that this practice is done independently, without any help at home. If they are having difficulty with a concept, and the video tutorials on the site do not help, your child may either stop or go on to another section. This is important so that the information gathered from Freckle accurately paints a picture of your child's progress.
How do I make a tuition payment?
Currently, we accept in-person cash, check, or debit card payments. We also can take debit cards over the phone and payments through Zelle. Click here for information on how to make payments through Zelle.
If you want to sign-up for auto-pay, you may fill out a credit card authorization form.